SLS Biztonsági lézerszkenner

Laser Sentinel

The safety laser scanner that offers a complete and flexible solution for safety protection of machines, robot cells and automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

The Standalone model offers a cost-effective safeguard for static applications such as robot cells and safe monitoring of access to dangerous machines.

Master/Slave models can be used in a combination of up to 4 scanners to cover all sides of a machine or a vehicle, with the possibility of programming, monitoring and dynamically changing the shape and position of safety and warning areas from a single point. The synchronization of Master and Slave scanners is done automatically because of the safe communication established between them with an Ethernet cable which also carries the power. No additional external unit is required.

Dedicated and application-oriented functions like dynamic partial muting, override, manual restart, external device monitoring, and speed measurement help to manage the many needs that can arise when putting in a safety machine or an AGV.

Measurement data for direct navigation are available through the Ethernet port and fast replacement allows reduction of the minimum time required for maintenance.


  • Érzékelési szög 275°
  • 5.5m Biztonsági zóna
  • 40m figyelmeztetési zóna
  • Színes grafikus kijelző a működés monitorozására és diagnosztikai ellenőrzésre
  • 70mm vagy 30/40/50/150mm választható felbontású verziók

Kiválasztott változat

Laser sentinel önálló alap egység 5.5m 3 beállítható zóna

Laser sentinel önálló alap egység 5.5m 3 beállítható zóna


Kiválasztott változat

Műszaki adatok

Áramellátás 24Vdc ±20%
Bemenetek 3 max
Bemeneti telítési feszültség > 15 V
Biztonsági zóna üzemi tartománya 0.05..5.5 m
Felbontás 70 mm
Figyelmeztetési zóna max. üzemi tartománya 0.05..40 m
IP-osztály IP65
Kapacitív terhelés 2.2 uF @ 24Vdc max
Max. tárolási hőmérséklet 70 °C
Max. üzemi hőmérséklet 50 °C
Min. tárolási hőmérséklet -20 °C
Min. üzemi hőmérséklet 0 °C
Nyitási szög 275 °
PL (EN ISO 13849-1) d
Reakcióidő 62..482 ms
SIL (IEC 61508) 2
Szögben kifejezett felbontóképesség 0,1 °
Terhelőáram 6..15 mA


Laser Sentinel

The safety laser scanner that offers a complete and flexible solution for safety protection of machines, robot cells and automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

The Standalone model offers a cost-effective safeguard for static applications such as robot cells and safe monitoring of access to dangerous machines.

Master/Slave models can be used in a combination of up to 4 scanners to cover all sides of a machine or a vehicle, with the possibility of programming, monitoring and dynamically changing the shape and position of safety and warning areas from a single point. The synchronization of Master and Slave scanners is done automatically because of the safe communication established between them with an Ethernet cable which also carries the power. No additional external unit is required.

Dedicated and application-oriented functions like dynamic partial muting, override, manual restart, external device monitoring, and speed measurement help to manage the many needs that can arise when putting in a safety machine or an AGV.

Measurement data for direct navigation are available through the Ethernet port and fast replacement allows reduction of the minimum time required for maintenance.



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